Processional | 10th TN Inf US, SVR, 1st Lt. David M. DuBrucq, commanding |
Present Colors | Pvt. Wayne Millen , 10th TN Inf US, SVR |
Invocation | James Swan Fort Donelson Camp # 62 |
Pledge of Allegiance | President Abraham Lincoln a.k.a. John Mansfield |
National Anthem | Stan and Janice Gunselman, Concord Road Church of Christ |
“America” | directed by Stan Gunselman |
“Battle Hymn of the Republic” | (All join in singing) |
Commemoration honoring Military Personnel serving under the flag of the United States of America | |
Address | Sam C. Gant Commander, Fort Donelson Camp # 62 |
Grave Flag Ceremony | George A. Huttick & George Michael Huttick, Fort Donelson Camp # 62 |
Benediction | James Swan,Fort Donelson Camp # 62 |
Retire Colors | Pvt.Wayne Millen, 10th TN Inf US, SVR |
Recessional | 10th TN Inf US, SV |